Clerk-Treasurer Responsibilities

Clerk-Treasurer Responsibilities

Fiscal officer and clerk for the Town
  • Receives and cares for town money and pays out only on order of the legislative body.
  • Keeps accounting showing when and from where the clerk-treasurer has received town money and when and to whom the clerk-treasurer has paid town money.
  • Prescribes payroll and account forms for all town offices.
  • Prescribes the manner in which creditors, officers, and employees shall be paid.
  • Manages the finances and accounts of the town and makes investments of town money.
  • Prepares for the legislative body the budget estimates of miscellaneous revenue, financial statements, and the proposed tax rate.
  • Maintains custody of the town seal and the records of the legislative body.
  • Issues all licenses authorized by statute and collects the fees fixed by ordinance.
  • Serve as clerk of the legislative body by attending its meetings and recording its proceedings.
  • Administers oaths, takes depositios, takes depositions, and takes acknowledgment of instruments that are required by statute to be acknowledged, without charging a fee.
  • If there is a town court, serves as clerk of the town court under IC 33-35-3-2 if the judge of the court does not serve as the clerk or appoints a clerk under IC 33-35-3-1.
  • Serves as ex-officio member of the town council solely for the purpose of casting the deciding vote to break a tie.
  • Appoints deputies and employees subject to authorization by the town council.
  • May hire or contract with attorneys or legal research assistants. Such salaries are approved in the annual budget.
  • Appoints employees doing utility billing and collection.
  • Prepares and files forms required by State agencies (SBOA, DLGF, Dept of Revenue, PERF, etc) and Federal agencies (IRS, Social Security etc).
  • Prepares Memoranda under the ODL.
  • Receives public records requests.
Additional special duties:
  • Certain duties during budget process:
    1. Prepares an itemized estimate of revenues.
    2. Meets with the Town executive and department heads to review and revise budget estimates.
    3. After the executive's review and revision, prepares a report of the estimated department budgets, miscellaneous expenses, and revenues necessary or available to finance the estimates.

  • Certain duties in the claims-paying process:
    1. Certifies before payment that each invoice is true and correct, and may not draw a warrant or check for payment of a claim unless:
      • There is a fully itemized invoice or bill for the claim,
      • The invoice or bill is approved by the officer or person receiving the goods and services,
      • The invoice or bill is filed with the governmental entity's fiscal officer,
      • The fiscal officer audits and certifies before payment that the invoice or bill is true and correct, and
      • Payment of the claim is allowed by the governmental entity's legislative body or the board or official having jurisdiction over the allowance of payment of the claim.

    2. Requires an available appropriation and cash
    3. Each town agency, board, commission, district, or other town entity shall file one copy of its financial records with the town fiscal officer.